
Tuesday, December 08, 2020



Contemporary Prayer of Humble Access for the Eucharist
O God of all compassion,
we do not take for granted your invitation
to come to the table you have prepared.
Nor do we come trusting in our own goodness,
but in your many and great mercies.
We are not worthy
even to gather up the crumbs under your table.
But you are the same God
whose nature is always to be compassionate in kindness.
Grant, therefore, loving God,
that we would eat the body of Christ, the bread of heaven,
and drink the blood of Christ, the cup of salvation,
evermore dwelling in you
and you in us. Amen.
Contemporary Sursum Corda at the Eucharist
Leader:   God is here.
People:   We are in God, God is in us, God is in everyone.
Leader:   Hence, we lift our hearts.
People:   In God we lift our hearts, to God we lift our hearts.
Leader:   As praise and thanksgiving we lift our hearts.
People:   God alone is worthy of our worship.
Contemporary Prayer of Jesus
I (We) cannot pray to our Father
without praying to our Mother.
I (We) cannot declare the transcendence of God in heaven
without proclaiming the imminence of God on earth.
I (We) cannot witness to the reverence of God’s sacred name
without calling all that God has created holy.
I (We) cannot plead for the coming of God’s Kin-dom
without working myself for peace and justice.
I (We) cannot ask that God’s will be done
without seeking to do that which is God’s will and purpose.
I (We) cannot intercede for earth in heaven
without being in this world but not of this world.
I (We) cannot make a plea this day for my daily bread
without feeding those who are hungry this day and always.
I (We) cannot request your forgiveness, O God,
without turning away for all that is contrary to your will.
I (We) cannot begin to forgive anyone who has wronged me
without pursuing reconciliation with those I (we) have wronged.
I (We) cannot appeal to you that my path be void of temptation
without ceasing to be a presence of temptation in the life of others.
I (We) cannot expect you to keep me free from evil
without striving to do all the good I (we) can, in every time I (we) can.
I (We) cannot praise you, O God, Sovereign, Almighty, and Immortal
without trusting that you are the beginning and end of all things, forever.
Prayer for Centering in Preparation for Worship
As we look deep inside,
     O God of Peace,
          we see the chaos that rages within our heart of hearts.
Help us to see beyond that utter confusion
     unto the Kin-dom of peace and justice
          that you are bringing,
               both within us and in the world.
May our hearts and minds now focus on that Kin-dom
     as we join to praise you and give you thanks. Amen.
Prayer For Illumination
Loving God,
     who speaks to us through your Scriptures
     and in the collective wisdom
          of your people throughout the ages:
Help us to hear anew
     what you would speak to us this day.
For your Word is relevant
          and a message of life and hope
     in the world that needs to know and heed
          your will.
Through Christ the living Word
          and your Spirit of illumination
     whom with You is the truth that sets us free.
Words of Gathering
Leader:  We gather as a people who know the strife that churns inside.
People:  We come to remember how to worship
              for in our daily lives we forget the connection
              of each moment with what we do here
              in this time and place of Sabbath.
Leader:  We gather as a people
              who are weary from the strife that churns inside.
People:  We come to learn once again
              how to bring the awe and wonder of Sunday
              into each and every day.
Leader:  We gather as a people
              who are ready to let peace overcome the strife
               that churns inside.
People:  We come to hear and be renewed
               in the love of God
               that we may be better able to love
               ourselves, one another, and all the world.
Leader:  We gather as a people
               who are willing to allow justice
               to have its way in us.
People:  We come to give ourselves to you, O God,
              in the strife that the end to all warfare,
              the end of all violence,
              the end of all hatred,
              the end of all prejudice,
              the end of all fear,
              the end of all pride,
              the end of all that is at war with your Kin-dom.
Leader:  We gather as a people
              who know the strife that we must fight.
People:  We come to surrender to your will,
              O Blessed Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer
              of all that is made in your image of beauty.
Leader:  Let us worship!
People:  So be it. Amen!
An Invitation to Forgiveness and Reconciliation
Beloved of Christ, beloved in Christ,
     we need only look within ourselves
     and to look at our relationships with others
     to know that things have gone awry.
We are broken.
Our relationships are broken.
Let us seek God in prayer for compassion and mercy
     that forgiveness and reconciliation would be ours.
A Prayer for Forgiveness and Reconciliation
Loving God,
     we confess that apart from you
     there is no goodness
     in us or in the world.
We have not loved as you give love.
We have not shown mercy as you impart mercy.
We have not shared compassion as you have compassion.
We have been at dis-ease
     within ourselves
     and with others.
We are a people who know the pain of division,
     the scourge of bruising and bruise,
     the savagery of our pride and self-centeredness,
     the contempt of our will and desires.
Forgive us and heal us,
O Holy, Mighty, Immortal One.
Bring us to the peacemaking of justice
     as you bring a just peace within us.
For we long to be your servant-disciples
     in all joyful obedience.
          ~ A brief silence is kept ~
A Prayer of Thanksgiving For After the Eucharist
God of all people
     you set a table before us
     and from your table we have received
     love in compassion and mercy.
As a refreshed and renewed people,
     send us now into the world of your making and redeeming
     to serve the common good—
          for the sake of your Kin-Dom,
          forever and ever.