
Sunday, October 31, 2021

A Prayer For Hallowe'en

All Hallows Eve
The Eve Before All Saints' Day

Ne'er Be There A Time and Place Where Being Male Is Congruent with Oppression Or Injustice

"We Still Burn Witches"

Life-Giving God, Womb in whom we are the people you created . . . that you are redeeming . . . and that you are perfecting unto your will and purpose: It is Hallowe'en, the Eve before we praise you and offer you thanksgiving for all followers in your Way.

We especially remember those who have gone on before us, and now are within that great cloud of witnesses that sing your songs of love and peace, and justice. And, we are beyond grateful that we are part of that communion, your community from the beginning, world without end.

Yet, today we come confession are failures, those things we have done or have failed to do, which are not of your Kin-Dom.

In the world in which we live, we acknowledge the injustices, the oppression, the violence, and the disunity woven into this tapestry of our days.

Our culture is based on consuming and accumulating things that have little or no use for our well-being. Corrupted in greed and the ursuping of power, we attempt to control things that are not ours to change or manipulate.

We have taken your Shalom and made of it a Salem in which our history of evil is not only well identified, but continues to this very day.

We still "burn witches."

In the thick shadows of our lives we know that there is inequality and non-equity.

Our witches, those we still kill, are the women who know first hand what life is like in a society made by white, wealthy, men . . . and how that system robs them of their identity, rapes them of their dignity, and violates their humanity.

As long as there is no resolution, no reconciliation, no reparation we will identify those who seek justice as witches to be silenced . . . to be used for self-gratification . . . to be treat in all ways as second class people at best.

O God, forgive our wrongful ways.

We yearn for gender equality . . . for the equity of access to all that makes life better and beautiful, as you will it to be.

We pine within for a day when exclusion and bondage shall be no more.

We long to live with our Sisters in a world that not only seeks the concord of unity, but cherishes the natural essence of diversity.

May we celebrate the women and children for whom you are Advocate and Comforter.

May we walk truly in your Way, following Jesus and your command to love.

May we stop the harm . . . prevent the violence . . . prepare for a time and place where those who are burdened is our evil-bent empire are free and empowered to live life fully.

For you, O Wisdom, know what it is like for those who are the targets of perpetrators . . . who are full of themselves, but empty in soul and morality and what really matters.

Never should there be a means of propagating privilege that is based on race, gender, age, or ability.

For in your Kin-Dom, O Sovereign-One, love includes all . . . love overcomes boundaries . . . love provides for everyone . . . now and forever more.
Blessed are you and blessed is your Realm wherein there is well-ness and wholeness. Amen.