
Thursday, December 31, 2020


An Outline For A Prayer of General Intercession

For the Church: that we may be like Mary, treasuring God's words and deeds in our hearts and drawing wisdom from them for our daily lives. 

(God, in your mercy, hear our prayer).

For a deeper awareness of the Spirit in our lives: that we may know our adoption as children of God and live in freedom and friendship with God. 

(God, in your mercy, hear our prayer).

For the grace to ponder: that we may recognize and reverence the work of God in our lives and come to a deeper realization of how much God loves us. 

(God, in your mercy, hear our prayer).

For the grace to begin again: that God will free us from all that holds us bound and invigorate us to live life fully for God’s glory and the service of our sisters and brothers. 

(God, in your mercy, hear our prayer).

For God’s blessing on the New Year: that God will free us from the Covid virus, renew the gifts of the Spirit within us, and inspire us with new ways to show God’s love and compassion to others. 

(God, in your mercy, hear our prayer).

For awareness of the deepest desires God has placed in our hearts: that the Spirit will help us recognize the desires and visions that God has planted within us and give us the courage to pursue them. 

(God, in your mercy, hear our prayer).

For the ability to listen better: that we, like the shepherds, may truly listen to the words spoken to us, find meaning in them, and act wisely upon them. 

(God, in your mercy, hear our prayer).

For the ability to forgive and let go: that God will help us to forgive all who have injured us and release our pain into God’s hands so that we can live freely and vigorously in this new year. 

(God, in your mercy, hear our prayer).

For all leaders of the Church: that they may exercise authority with the wisdom of the Spirit and the love of Christ in their hearts. 

(God, in your mercy, hear our prayer).

For peace and healing within nations: that leaders and all who hold public office may faithfully fill their duties and work to relieve the suffering of the poor and marginalized. 

(God, in your mercy, hear our prayer).

For all who are suffering: that God will bring relief to the homeless and those in refugee camps, new beginnings for those recovering from natural disasters, and safety to those who live amid violence. 

(God, in your mercy, hear our prayer).

For our common home, the earth: that God will help us to be good stewards of creation and guide us to wisely use the natural resources for the good of all the human family. 

(God, in your mercy, hear our prayer).

For all who are ill: that God will bring healing to the sick, comfort to those in isolation, strength to caregivers, and health to all of us. 

(God, in your mercy, hear our prayer).

For the blessing of peace: that the Spirit of God will open us to the presence of God around us and guide us along new paths that will heal divisions and end bloodshed. 

(God, in your mercy, hear our prayer).

For all who have died during this past year: that God’s face will shine upon them and give them eternal peace in God’s presence.

(God, in your mercy, hear our prayer).


Concluding Collect

Almighty, Ever-Loving God, you have promised to hear what we ask in prayer. Accept and fulfill our petitions, we pray, not as we ask in our ignorance, nor as we deserve in our sinfulness, but as you know and love us, now and forevermore. Amen.
—adapted from The Book Of Common Prayer

Joe Milner © 2018
(Joe Milner is the coordinator of RCIA and is a member of the Liturgy Planning Team for St. Francis Xavier College Church on Saint Louis University campus in St. Louis, Missouri. He grants permission to use the above material for private or parish worship.)