
Sunday, July 18, 2021

An Intercessory Prayer For Times Like These

Loving Shepherd,
hear our prayers:

For the hurting and hungry and those in need of healing...
Loving God, in your boundless compassion, have mercy.

For the persecuted, the oppressed, and people for work for justice and peace...
Loving God, in your boundless compassion, have mercy.

For the advocates of equal rights and equity in access to resources, those who suffer because of racism, xenophobia, genderism, and social class...
Loving God, in your boundless compassion, have mercy.

For those whose houses have been destroyed by wind or fire or flood...
Loving God, in your boundless compassion, have mercy.

For those whose homes have been destroyed by addiction or violence or poverty...
Loving God, in your boundless compassion, have mercy.

for families that are experiencing the pain of broken relationships, for orphans, for foster parents and foster children, for those working to reconcile, for those who need to be apart...
Loving God, in your boundless compassion, have mercy.

for the stranger in search of a welcome and safe haven...
For the hurting and hungry and those in need of healing...
Loving God, in your boundless compassion, have mercy.

For those in positions of privilege who are risking their jobs, their reputations,  and even their lives to change policy for good...
For the hurting and hungry and those in need of healing...
Loving God, in your boundless compassion, have mercy.

For local agencies which offer shelter in the storm and provisions for the journey...
For the hurting and hungry and those in need of healing...
Loving God, in your boundless compassion, have mercy.

For weary disciples everywhere who have answered the call when the best-laid plans for respite have gone awry at exactly the wrong time...
For the hurting and hungry and those in need of healing...
Loving God, in your boundless compassion, have mercy.

For the church in every form and function seeking to be faithful even as it transforms itself to continue the work of proclamation and healing...
For the hurting and hungry and those in need of healing...
Loving God, in your boundless compassion, have mercy.

For the myriad of ways you shepherd your sheep, providing living water and nourishing Word, even when do not recognize these blessings for what they are...
God of all mercy and compassion, we give you thanks.