
Friday, November 11, 2022

Veteran's Day From An Non-Apologetic Pacifist
A Liturgy For Worship and Meditation
November 11, 2022

God of peace and justice
you do not celebrate the warring nature
of our communities and nations.
Yet you look upon your people
who are oppressed and victims
of violence and threats of war.
Gather your people everywhere
into your realm of civility and concord
that war may cease and the killing and
maiming of each other would be but
a distant memory.

O God, creator of heaven and earth, protector of the universe,
author of peace and lover of harmony and unity,
to know you is eternal life and to serve you is perfect freedom:
Defend all from the violence and warfare of our enemies;
that all, surely trusting in your defense, may not fear the power of
any adversaries; through the might of your Omnipotent Presence,
and your rightful justice and peace.

Isaiah 2, 4
4 God will judge between the nations
and render decisions for many countries.
They will beat their swords into plowshares,
and their spears into pruning hooks;
one nation will not raise the sword against another,
and never again will they make ready for war.
—adapted from Priests for Equality. The Inclusive Bible. Sheed & Ward.

Psalm 46
1 God is our refuge and our strength,
who from of old has helped those in distress.
2 Therefore we fear nothing—
even if the earth should open up in front of us
and mountains plunge into the depths of the sea,
3 even if the earth’s waters rage and foam
and the mountains tumble with its heaving.
4 There’s a river whose streams
gladden the city of God,
the holy dwelling of the Most High.
5 God is in its midst, it will never fall—
God will help it at daybreak.
6 Though nations are in turmoil and empires crumble,
God’s voice resounds, and it melts the earth.
7 The God of Hosts is with us—
our stronghold is the God of Israel!
8 Come, see what God has done—
God makes the earth bounteous!
9 God has put an end to war,
from one end of the earth to the other,
breaking bows, splintering spears,
and setting chariots on fire.
10 “Be still, and know that I am God!
I will be exalted among the nations;
I will be exalted upon the earth.”
11 The God of Hosts is with us—
our stronghold is the God of Israel!
—adapted from Priests for Equality. The Inclusive Bible. Sheed & Ward.

Micah 4. 3

3 God will judge between many peoples
and arbitrate between mighty and distant nations;
They will beat their swords into plowshares,
and their spears into pruning hooks;
one nation will not raise the sword against another,
and never again will they ready themselves for war.
—adapted from Priests for Equality. The Inclusive Bible. Sheed & Ward.

Holy God, Holy and Almighty, Holy Immortal One:
we are long past the days of just war:
There is no longer a protection and safe place
for non-combatants, And, killing only makes way
for more and intense warfare.
In an age of weapons that are designed and used
for mass destruction, especially in the ways they
have become the weapons on our streets and
places of gathering, there is no longer a means to
discriminate between soldiers who seek justice
and the civilians who are victims.
In the age of nuclear capability not only are those
who are the enemy, but all humankind would be
harmed and killed in masses. Your earth would
no longer be the gift of creation but the manipulation
of human sin and evil.
Demand us to find ways to come to agreement
through diplomacy and accord.
May redemption and reconciliation become the
means by which opposing people would keep
and maintain peace.
For we desire not the death or destruction of others
but the justice and peace that is the common good
of all.
For such is of your Realm and your will.
Blessed are you and blessed is your Kin-Dom
now and forevermore. Amen.