Mother's Day May 8, 2022
A Liturgy For Worship and Meditation
—based on Psalm 71
God alone is our refuge and hope,
our shelter and protection.
From our very first breath to our last,
God’s love and compassion never fails.
So come, lift your voices in praise to God.
Bear witness to God’s acts of mercy and love.
Proclaim God’s glory to all who will listen.
Let’s worship God together.
Ever-loving Mother,
from whom we have come to life—
to you all hearts are open,
all desires are know,
and from you no secrets are hid:
Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts
that we may perfectly love You,
even as You love us,
and worthily magnify your holy Name,
the Name above all names.
To You our Mothering God,
be praise and glory,
honor and power,
now and forevermore.
Womb of life
so blessed
so blessing
God the birther
of all living
God the Mother
of us all.
God's creation
sings Her glory
Creating One
who blessed it all
in the words that
"it is good"
God was pleased
by what was done.
God's own people
to Her belonging
made in Image
so Divine
made to praise Her
in each movement
all for just peace
through and true.
God's own Kin-Dom
gifting always
like a Mother's
Child is nursed
all sustaining
goodness nurtured
presence with us
does abide.
God the Alpha
and Omega
Mother always
never less
was before
and will be after
in all the times
our Mother best.
—G Lake Dylan © 2022, All Rights Reserved
—Psalm 139
13 You created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
17 How precious to me are your thoughts, God!
How vast is the sum of them!
18 Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand—
when I awake, I am still with you.
Loving God,
Like a mother, you brought all things into being.
Through trial and truth-telling, touch, and tenderness,
you nurture your people and lead us in the ways of justice and peace.
Send your Holy Spirit upon all people,
that everyone would know your love for them and all creation.
—Proverbs 8
22 ‘God brought me forth as the first of her works,
before her deeds of old
23 I was formed long ages ago,
at the very beginning, when the world came to be
24 When there were no watery depths, I was given birth,
when there were no springs overflowing with water;
25 before the mountains were settled in place,
before the hills, I was given birth,
26 before she made the world or its fields
or any of the dust of the earth.
27 I was there when she set the heavens in place,
when she marked out the horizon on the face of the deep,
28 when she established the clouds above
and fixed securely the fountains of the deep,
29 when she gave the sea its boundary
so that the waters would not overstep her command,
and when she marked out the foundations of the earth.
30 Then I was constantly at her side.
I was filled with delight day after day,
rejoicing always in her presence,
31 rejoicing in her whole worldbr /> and delighting in the human race.
Praise to God, the World’s Creator
Praise to God, the world’s creator,
source of life and growth and breath,
cradling in her arms her children,
holding them from birth to death.
In our bodies, in our living,
strength and truth of all we do,
God is present, working with us,
making us creators too.
Praise to God our saving Wisdom,
meeting us with love and grace,
helping us to grow in wholeness,
giving freedom, room, and space.
In our hurting, in our risking,
in the thoughts we dare not name,
God is present, growing with us,
healing us from sin and shame.
Praise to God, the Spirit in us,
prompting hidden depths of prayer,
firing us to long for justice,
reaching out with tender care.
In our searching, in our loving,
in our struggles to be free,
God is present, living in us,
pointing us to what shall be.
— Jan Berry
O Divine Lover,
Your life pulses in each of our hearts,
and your love permeates each of our lives.
We, your daughters and sons, praise you.
Your care sustains us in each moment,
and your compassion guides us in each situation.
We, your daughters and sons, praise you.
When we fall, you lift us,
when we fail you restore us,
When we are wounded, you nurse us,
when we grieve, you weep with us.
We, your daughters and sons, praise you.
But, we have failed to love as you do,
we have abused our bodies and those of others,
we have filled our minds with selfish dreams,
and violent plans,
we have made our hearts cold and empty of compassion,
we have forgtten our spirits,
and distorted your image within us.
As a mother disciplines her children,
we ask you to discipline us;
As a mother forgives the sons and daughters who hurt her,
we ask you to forgive us;
As a mother calls her children to be reconciled with their siblings,
we ask you to lead us to reconciliation with one another.
—by John van de Laar on the Sacredise website
Because you are a God of compassion,
a Mother who protects and provides for her daughters,
a Mother who comforts and nurtures her sons,
we bring our prayers in faith,
and with thanksgiving.
Wherever there is war and violence,
we pray for peace and reconciliation;
Wherever there is crime and corruption,
we pray for integrity and lawfulness;
Wherever there is poverty and inequality,
we pray for sharing and generosity;
Wherever there is disease and death,
we pray for healing and comfort;
Wherever there is oppression and tyranny,
we pray for liberation and freedom;
And wherever people need the healing touch of your grace and mercy,
we pray that we may be your hands,
your embrace,
your kindness.
—by John van de Laar on the Sacredise website
As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you. (Isa. 66:13).
Go now in the comfort and peace of the One who gave birth to us.
Go in the assurance that the Comforter is with us always.
Go to give comfort and peace to others.
Divine Wisdom guide us as we go forth on Her paths of peace.
May She give us blessings more precious than silver or gold (Prov. 3:13-15, 17).
May we find joy in sharing these blessings with others.
May Wisdom empower us to change our world! Amen.
—written by Jann Aldredge-Clanton www.jannaldredgeclanton.com